Asbestos Facts-What is The Truth?

By | 2018-02-08T20:30:54+00:00 February 8th, 2018|Asbestos Illness Information, Asbestos Information|

Commercials, newspapers, and social media are full of information about asbestos. It is hard to figure out what is the true and what is false. Colorado Hazardous Environmental is here to set the record straight. We have five truths about asbestos that you have probably never heard. Our job is to educate the public about [...]

Winter Snow Can Lead to Asbestos Exposure!

By | 2018-01-23T16:43:44+00:00 January 23rd, 2018|Asbestos Information, Service Info|

Winter is in full swing and so are the snowstorms. With the enormous amount of snowfall and the severe winter storms, you could have damages to your home. We know you are confused and wondering what storm damages have to do with asbestos exposure. Trust us, it does. Below Colorado Hazardous Environmental will discuss the [...]

Asbestos Testing and Your Business!

By | 2018-01-04T22:05:58+00:00 January 4th, 2018|Asbestos Information, Hazardous Materials Info, Household Tips, Service Info|

Asbestos is a natural fiber that is highly dangerous to humans. It has been used in construction materials for decades. It was perfect because of the heat-resistant properties and its durability. However, over time, it was determined that this particular mineral caused devastating illnesses, like cancer and even death. Laws were passed, and it seemed [...]

Asbestos Removal- The Process

By | 2017-12-28T23:02:01+00:00 December 28th, 2017|Asbestos Information, Hazardous Materials Info|

Asbestos removal requires a special license for removal and disposal, as it is very dangerous and causes severe illnesses such as cancer. If you believe your home or business has asbestos, it is crucial that you call a professional asbestos removal company, such as Colorado Hazardous Environmental.  If your home or business is older, you [...]

Popular Asbestos Myths

By | 2017-12-13T23:03:32+00:00 December 13th, 2017|Asbestos Information, Hazardous Materials Info|

With so much information swirling around the media, it is hard to determine what is true and what is a myth. Colorado Hazardous Environmental has 5 myths and the truth about each. Below we will discuss the top myths about asbestos. Our number one goal is to keep your property asbestos-free and your family and [...]

Top 5 Places Where Asbestos Could be Lurking in Your Home!

By | 2017-12-01T06:11:11+00:00 December 1st, 2017|Asbestos Information|

Asbestos cannot be seen to the unaided eye. It could be right in front of you, and you wouldn’t have a clue. How do you find this material inside your home? The only way to know for sure is through a certified asbestos removal company, such as Colorado Hazardous Environmental. An accredited professional will thoroughly [...]

Asbestos Removal – What You Need to Know!

By | 2017-09-22T21:15:30+00:00 September 7th, 2017|Asbestos Information, Hazardous Materials Info, Service Info|

Asbestos truly is the silent killer. You cannot tell if your home contains the substance by just looking. You may think your home is free of it, but you could be wrong. Exposure can lead to severe illness. It is no secret. Commercials and social media explode daily with asbestos horror stories that detail its dangers. [...]

Burning and Asbestos Exposure

By | 2017-09-22T21:16:07+00:00 August 22nd, 2017|Asbestos Information, Household Tips|

Residents in rural areas burn a lot of unwanted items, instead of having them disposed of professionally. This can cause major problems for people in the area. Some items are banned from being burned. However, when it comes to asbestos, it is hard to know if an item contains it. Without a test for asbestos [...]

Been Exposed to Asbestos? Who is Responsible?

By | 2017-09-22T21:16:45+00:00 August 11th, 2017|Asbestos Information, Asbestos Litigation|

Have you been exposed to asbestos? Do you now have asbestos-related symptoms? Colorado Hazardous Environmental is the place for asbestos testing and removal services, but we also want our clients to know everything they can about asbestos and its dangers. If you have been exposed to asbestos, who is responsible for your illness? What can [...]