Winter Snow Can Lead to Asbestos Exposure!

By | 2018-01-23T16:43:44+00:00 January 23rd, 2018|Asbestos Information, Service Info|

Winter is in full swing and so are the snowstorms. With the enormous amount of snowfall and the severe winter storms, you could have damages to your home. We know you are confused and wondering what storm damages have to do with asbestos exposure. Trust us, it does. Below Colorado Hazardous Environmental will discuss the [...]

Asbestos Testing and Your Business!

By | 2018-01-04T22:05:58+00:00 January 4th, 2018|Asbestos Information, Hazardous Materials Info, Household Tips, Service Info|

Asbestos is a natural fiber that is highly dangerous to humans. It has been used in construction materials for decades. It was perfect because of the heat-resistant properties and its durability. However, over time, it was determined that this particular mineral caused devastating illnesses, like cancer and even death. Laws were passed, and it seemed [...]

Asbestos Removal – What You Need to Know!

By | 2017-09-22T21:15:30+00:00 September 7th, 2017|Asbestos Information, Hazardous Materials Info, Service Info|

Asbestos truly is the silent killer. You cannot tell if your home contains the substance by just looking. You may think your home is free of it, but you could be wrong. Exposure can lead to severe illness. It is no secret. Commercials and social media explode daily with asbestos horror stories that detail its dangers. [...]

Mold Illnesses- What to Do!

By | 2017-09-22T21:15:46+00:00 August 28th, 2017|Hazardous Materials Info, Household Tips, Service Info|

Mold can affect your household and make everyone sick. Sometimes you cannot see or smell mold. Mold has a way of hiding in dark and damp areas. Once you see or smell mold, it means you have a mold infestation that will need to be removed by a professional. Colorado Hazardous Environmental has information on [...]

Symptoms of Lead Exposure

By | 2017-09-22T21:17:17+00:00 July 21st, 2017|Hazardous Materials Info, Service Info|

Lead poisoning should be a thing of the past, but sadly, it isn’t. Lead is still in paint and sometimes even on imported toys. Children and pregnant women are especially sensitive to lead, and many symptoms can develop. To protect your children from lead, you should have a test completed on your home. A lead [...]

Moisture and Mold

By | 2017-09-22T21:19:21+00:00 June 9th, 2017|Hazardous Materials Info, Household Tips, Service Info|

Mold and moisture go hand in hand. Mold needs moisture to grow. Mold grows naturally and does the job it was intended to do- decompose. These organisms break down biological compounds made with carbon and is an essential part of the Earth’s sustainability. However, when it comes to your home, it does its job too well. [...]

Commercial Mold Removal

By | 2017-09-22T21:19:52+00:00 May 27th, 2017|Hazardous Materials Info, Service Info|

Commercial buildings are more likely to have a mold infestation than residential buildings. Commercial buildings are usually large and have a lot of space. A small leak in the ceiling could cause a major mold problem. It is more likely that a small leak in a large building isn’t found as quickly as a leak [...]

Asbestos Lingo- Do You Understand it?

By | 2017-09-22T21:26:17+00:00 April 14th, 2017|Asbestos Information, Service Info|

Asbestos, in general, confuses most people. It is hard to imagine that a small fiber can cause such severe illnesses. Colorado Hazardous Environmental is here to help you understand the lingo used when talking about asbestos. Asbestos is a highly dangerous fiber that is found naturally. This alone led people to believe it was harmless. [...]

Asbestos and Spring Cleanup

By | 2017-09-22T21:27:28+00:00 March 3rd, 2017|Asbestos Information, Household Tips, Service Info|

Spring is right around the corner. With spring comes DIY lists and spring cleaning. If you live in an older home, you must take extra precautions when doing any DIY project or cleaning. Asbestos is found in more than 80% of older homes that were built in the 80s. If you are thinking of tackling [...]